I have worked hard on the Cable-trimmed jacket for MIL. In the heat. I should get a Top-Daughter-In-Law medal for this.
Jokes aside, this yarn is very rewarding, it is nice to knit with, and is, despite the 100 % merino wool content, not hot to knit at all. And we have been travelling a bit, and watched a couple of seasons of The underground army on DVD (anybody remembering this from the beginnings of the 1980’s? Funny parody on Frenchmen, Englishmen, Germans and Italians during WW II, perhaps even funnier when one isn’t a F, E, G nor I). Good knitting time when you’re in for plain stockinet stitch.
The last of the second front on the beach.
Last Sunday we went down to Hankoo. It’s a yearly visit for us, hubby spent his childhood summers here, and as well his father’s parents as my father’s parents were home from Hankoo. It’s a very picturesque summercity, but emptier and windier and colder in the winters. There are lovely sand beaches and also those with more stones. It takes 1,5 hours with car to get there, and the same back. Yes for knitting in the car! I was halfway through the first sleeve on the way home.
Yarn nest kids on HUS’ (Hangö Udds Segelsällskap) beach. They are having a snack on the same stones where their great-grandfather always used to sit before and after swimming.
I have finished the sleeves and they are now blocking. They asked for some recalculating, MIL has shorter arms than what the pattern gives you. But no big problems, other than the fact that I’m afraid I’m going to run out of yarn. The collar took one full ball of yarn, and I didn’t even make it as wide as described in the patter. This yarn amount, 20 balls, was supposed to be enough for one size bigger too, so I didn’t even buy an extra ball, something I usually do.
The second front band.
I have never made cables on trimmings before, so this might be ordinary stuff for those of you who have done it before. The front bands are constructed so that you first pick up stitches to make a row of 2 knit 2 purl stitches. Then on next row to you increase one stitch in every knit stitch, giving you the four stitches you need for the cable. The band is not increasing in width since the cable is decreasing the level of the four stitches. Very neat, and the first front band is absolutely straight. I have calculated where to put the buttons and have started the right front band. I will have yarn for the front band, but the problem is the collar. It is knitted, but there will be a cable trim on the front edge of the collar too, and when I reach that point I’ll be sailing on dangerous water.
We'll see tomorrow if it was enough.