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Shawl pin and Autumn Rose

Huh, time flies! Repotting season is driving to it's end, and it's time to start tie together all ends that has been hanging around untied for over a month. Just to give a picture of how time consuming spring work on bonsais can be, I can tell you that I had a friend over last Sunday and we worked on a pine for over six hours. It was a long neglected tree I bought last year, and it needed a lot of thinning out and wiring, but still.

But over to knitting. First of all, a little bit more than a month ago I got a beautiful gift from the very talented Leslie Wind. Leslie makes shawl pins and closures, and other types of jewelery too. She blogs together with Maureen McMahon at Folly Cove Fiber Freaks. It's a shawl closure made of sterling silver, light, but still with clasps long enough to keep the shawl in place. Thank you Leslie! Here is the closure attached to a shawl:


and here with the clasps free:


In the middle of April I also finished Autumn Rose. I haven't got modeled pictures yet, but here is a sneak peak, evidence of really having finished it. I hope to get modeled pictures soon.


I have started a new pair of socks, in a beautiful hand-dyed yarn by VillaMokka. The pattern is Latvian socks from Nancy Bush's Folk socks.

Edit: here is a not completely sharp modeled picture of Autumn Rose:



Hi Maud,
So good to see you back!
I have Leslie's site marked too and just looked at shawl pins the other day. That's a nice picture--now I'll have to order one for sure!
Your Autumn Rose sweater turned out beautiful (the green grass makes a nice background)

Oh WOW!!! You finished it!!! I love it!! I can't wait to see it modelled. It looks FanTABulous!!!

That is a great shawl ring. I love simple things. Autumn rose is lovely so I look forward to seeing it modelled.

Lovely pin, and the sweater looks great!

Autumn Rose is gorgeous! That is a great pin too.

Beautiful job on Autumn Rose.

And don't you just love Leslie's work?

Hei! Opiskelen Joensuun yliopistossa käsityötiedettä ja olen tekemässä pro gradu –tutkielmaa neuleblogeista. Kysely on tarkoitettu henkilöille, jotka pitävät neuleblogia. Kyselyyn vastaaminen vie noin 15-20 minuuttia. Kyselyyn voi vastata 26.5.2008 asti. Kyselyllä selvitetään blogien ja bloggaamisen merkitystä käsitöiden tekemiseen sekä neuleblogien verkostoitumista ja yhteisöllisyyttä. Olisitko ystävällinen ja kävisit tekemässä kyselyn oheisesta linkistä:


Kyselyyn vastaajien kesken arvotaan kolme neuleaiheista palkintoa.

Ystävällisin terveisin: Katja Vilhunen

Really beautiful pullover!

Your Autumn Rose looks just gorgeous!! And that shawl pin is lovely - simple and elegant, what a perfect closure for a shawl.

Lovely sweater!

Laitoin sulle jo ravelryn kautta viestiä tuosta lapasasiasta. On aika outoa mainita vielä copyrightista Rose budien kohdalla, kun malli on suoraan Haaviston kirjasta. Jos muuttaa värit ja alaosan kuvion, voiko mallia sanoa omaksi? Ko kirja on sulla kuitenkin ollut käytössä, joten tuskin olet itse joutunut kukkia piirtämään. Jos haluat tekijänoikeuksia kunnioitettavan, kannattaisi ehkä kunnioittaa myös itse? Ei millään pahalla, mutta mutta...

AnneM: Pahoillani etten ole vastannut sinulle aikisemmin, en ole vaan käynyt Ravelryssä pitkään aikaan. Koska sekä minun että Eeva Haaviston malli perustuu perinteiseen kuviomalliin, niin se ei ole niin kummallista että ne muistuttavat toisiaan. Oman kokonaisuuden esikuvana on kuitenkin ollut museolapanen, eikä Eeva Haaviston malli.

I love the shawl pin! And I've tagged you for a meme :-) details here on my blog: http://dianemulholland.com/blog/?p=376

Gorgeous sweater! Glad to see you back =)

You are amazing and your knitting skill really is awesome. Love the pullover...the design is wonderful.

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Oh, I love the Autumn Rose. The colours work so well. I can't wait to see it on you.


Welcome to my blog! My name is Maud, and I spend my free hours grooming Afghan hounds, knitting, cooking, and growing bonsai trees. I am since the summer of 2012 reporting from Stockholm Sweden, entries before that are from Esbo, Finland.

My knitting projects in Ravelry

How To


Finished in 2012

Finished in 2010

Finished in 2008

Finished in 2007

Finished in 2006


All content copyright 2006-2007 by Maud. All rights reserved. What is copyright?

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