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In all their unblocked glory


A first peak at the still unblocked Rosebud mittens. The weather has been terrible for several days, and it has not motivated me to block the mittens. But I have finished knitting them, and the pattern is written down. So, as soon as the mittens are blocked, the weather has brightened up some and my mitten model is ready for a photo shooting, you’ll have more pictures AND a pattern for these mittens.


Det är bara att konstatera, du har gjort det igen. Fantastiskt fina vantar!

Det är bara att konstatera, du har gjort det igen. Fantastiskt fina vantar!

Very pretty!

they are divine. Did you weave in between the colours at all? if you did, how do you do it so that the colours don't show through? Especially as this looks like 3 colour stranded knitting.

Just lovely, wondering which wool you used.

They are so great!!!! I love the colours and the different patterns!!!!
Your the best!!!!!!!

They are so great!!!! I love the colours and the different patterns!!!!
Your the best!!!!!!!

They are so great!!!! I love the colours and the different patterns!!!!
Your the best!!!!!!!

They are beautiful.

oj... rosenknoppsvantar till en rosenknopp?
Urläckra, minst sagt...
Må så gott... värmländskan... kramis och inspirera mera och ta väl hand om "lilla odjuret" ;)

Tuo on ihana mallineule ja toteutuksesi on tosi kaunis. Uskaltauduin muinaisina vuosina tekemään silloiselle poikaystävälle ruusunnuppusormikkaat samoissa väreissä, mutta vihreällä pohjavärillä ja valkoisella kuviolla.

WOW! Once again I'm amazed by your knitting skill, Maud! They look beautiful--even unblocked.

Beautiful mittens, Maud! I love the dark diagonal cuff paired with the gorgeous hand patterns!

I just love them. So glad you got a chance to photograph them. do you need a test knitter?

Woo hoo Maud! Talk about some fancy pants knitting! Those mittens look fabulous.

Blocked or unblocked, the mittens are great. Beautiful combination.

What a very lovely pair of mittens. As soon as you have put the pattern on the I'll try to knit a pair for me as well!

Åhh, de tar andan ur mig. Så vackra vantar!

Oh,I can't wait. OK, that's not true I can I just don't want to...they're so pretty!
My daughter would love if it I knitted her a pair.

They are very pretty,
have never seen so nice mitten before!

They are very pretty!

Maud they are just fabulous--I want a pair!!!


Welcome to my blog! My name is Maud, and I spend my free hours grooming Afghan hounds, knitting, cooking, and growing bonsai trees. I am since the summer of 2012 reporting from Stockholm Sweden, entries before that are from Esbo, Finland.

My knitting projects in Ravelry

How To


Finished in 2012

Finished in 2010

Finished in 2008

Finished in 2007

Finished in 2006


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