I have been a very slack knitter and blogger lately. I have read a lot of very comment asking blog entries, but still not given myself the time to comment. And the reason is here:

May I present Ludde, the Afghan hound puppy.
Ludde is today 13 weeks, but has not been by us even a week. He’s charming, interesting, already a real afghan in attitude, but at the same time he can’t hold him self back and behave like a puppy after less than five seconds of the afghan attitude. He’s leaking like a sieve, like all puppies. But I’m getting better on knowing him and reading his signs, and a lot of potential disasters when done inside the house, has been done outside. If you want to see pictures of adult Afghans, here is a link to pictures of his Dad Tack and his Mum Chica.
He’s eating raw food, which is a lot of grated vegetables and raw meat and bones. The freezer is filled with bones and meat. Strange addition to the pesto and ragu sauces and home made ice cream we used to fill it with.
Sometimes he seems to miss his old family. He lived with three adult Afghans (well, Roosa, the youngest, is only one year old, so technically not adult), two small children and their parents. Being at home with me is boring, and he is happiest when our four children come home from school. He is very playful, and his baby teeth are very sharp. He already knows that it’s generally bad idea to taste bonsai trees, and that the canaries are best left in the cage. He also seems to think goldfish are like the TV, one can look at them for a long time, as one can with the ducks in the pond outside. But most of the time he just sleeps.
Exploring the grounds and the closest area around our house takes time, and there are many leaves to turn around and inspects. He’s hilarious to look at, and a master of mimics.
I have spend way too much time reading books, food forums, afghan hound forums, sight hound forums and generally surfing the net. My younger afghan hound* died almost 15 years ago, and folks, things have changed. It’s almost like getting an afghan for the first time, only I know how much work there is with the coat and how much the afghan needs to move in order to stay sound. But how you treat the coat is different, what you feed the dog is different, and for sure, there will be a lot of other things that are different too. Fifteen years is a long time.

*I had two afghan hounds when I was a teenager, Ch Tuohi-Tikan Husaari (Husku, who also loved racing, even if he wasn’t very fast), and Tuohi-Tikan Liki (Maxi, with CACs from both Finland and Sweden when he suddenly became ill, and his show career was past time). Both lived until well over twelve years old, but spent their last years with my parents. Taking the old dogs with me when I moved to my study apartment was not an option