Oh no, it has been weeks since my last update! Time really flies when the husband is on vacation. Sadly, he will be back in the office next week, and soon will my free time be over too. Schools starts in two weeks (or actually closer to one and a half) and then I have to pick up my own work too. And I really wish I've got my new computer by then, the old one broke down one month ago, and I should have got the new two weeks ago. Grrrrrr...............
I got tagged by Kamicha with a pretty fun meme (not being too fond of memes, I found this one in fact quite nice. And short ;-) The question is what is behind the name of your blog and your signature. When choosing the name Yarn Nest I wanted something cosy and knitting related. I like birds a lot, and I have seen several bird nests where the birds have used yarn and strings to pad the nest with, in a manner far more complicated than any knitting pattern I've ever seen. I saw before me a picture of a bird, sitting in her well built nest, filled with balls of wool, knitting. It would be warm and cosy and you would perhaps see the heads of some small birds around her. I thought of adding such a picture to the banner of my blog, but, alas, not being very skilled when it comes to drawing, it has so far came to nothing. My signature, Maud, is simple; it's my name, so no deeper thoughts behind that.
Feel free to pick up this meme if you want to, I'm not tagging anybody specifically with it.

And the Chalet socks? There have been a lot going around here, but every evening I have had some knitting time too. I have in fact quite a lot of knitting to show, and sadly very few in-progress pictures. The Chalet socks went to my younger son, who likes the denim blue colour of the Regia Silk yarn a lot. The socks fit like gloves on his feet, and he has been skating around the living room on them the way a tomorrow-15-years-old only can do. He thinks it's a good thing we have smooth, slippery floors. And I'm happy there are no cracks in the flooring, or he would wear down the socks in no time at all! The socks are knitted according to the pattern, except for correcting a small mistake in the second row of the first chart; the centre twisted pattern should have crossings on the second row too. If a crossing is made at this place will every second crossing be a double one and every second a simple one, which would be the logical solution, considering the rest of the pattern. You can see the crossings very well on the picture to the left of this text.
Project details:
Pattern: Chalet socks by Nancy Bush from Folk socks.
Yarn: Regia Silk, 55 % Merino wool, 20 % Silk, 25 % polyamide, less than two balls in colour 050.
Needles: 2, 5 mm dpns (five, not four as the pattern called for.
Gauge: 30 stitches and 42 rows to 10x10 cm.