Back home again
We are home again, trying to adjust to the weather and the normal life. There are so much to be happy for here, the favorite knitting spot by the window with a view over the garden, the well equipped kitchen with all the familiar utensils, the ability to have a conversation in a shop in Finnish or Swedish, and knowing the other part understood everything, instead of those mixed conversations in Italy-German-English, where there were no guaranties you message went through or were understood (I think this feeling was mutual). But there is also so much to miss, the fabulous weather (it's raining here), the fresh fruits and veggies, so much riper than here, sweater and fresher, the beach and the sea, the feeling of no worries you have when you're just a limited time in one spot, and can forget about all the problems (like broken computers) you left behind at home, and you're just hoping will magically solve them self in your absence. As usually, they don't, they wait you out, and then pop out their ugly heads when you turn the home key around. And Italy, I already miss you, the country, the people, and, surprisingly, the language, that I found for the first time very interesting. The flight home went well, the children are so happy, and I have washed the mountain of dirty clothes we had with us home. Nothing were unintentionally left behind, and there is a load of happy memories back with us home. I'll post some more pictures when I have sorted them up.
The stripy socks were almost finished in Italy, and when I came home I hungrily grabbed the Spiral boot socks, finishing the first and happily knitting away on the second, finishing that one too in almost no time. They are ready for blocking, and I have NO pictures of the process. I can't believe I just knitted away on them. You can see the socks on my knitting spot above, on the right side. More pictures as soon as I get them blocked! Now I only have to put my act together and finish the striped socks, the socks containing so many summery memories. I only hope for a day with sun, it feels silly to knit these when it's pouring down outside. It doesn't feel right, let me tell you. But they looks very promising, the fit on Hanna's feet is almost perfect, and there is just a couple of centimeters on the cuffs left. The colours remind me of Italian ice-cream, available in more different colours and tastes than I could ever imagine. I don't know why this is a new experience, I have had ice-cream on every Italy trip I've made before, but of some reason it hit me stronger now than ever before. One of the first days I was staring at a huge ice-cream assortment, only to realize it was only one third of what the gelateria had to offer. Wow! I tried two different ways to make the stripes jogless, and I'm very much looking forward to see which one is better after blocking.
As always, I am amazed at the speed with which you churn out such amazing knitting. If I were knitting those puppies, they wouldn't be ready until Christmas 2008.
Welcome back! :-)
Posted by: Becky | July 11, 2007 08:32 PM
Hello Dear Maud :o)
I loved seeing your cosy knitting spot- what a wonderfully large sunny window in your lovely home. The socks are so beautiful. I can't believe how quickly you've nearly completed them *both*! I'm glad you have the laundry well under way and are enjoying the comfy familiarity of all things, home. I do understand missing Italy, too. How wonderful that you have so many treasured memories tucked away, for always. Hope the sun shines again, soon.
Warmly, Jewels
Posted by: Jewels | July 11, 2007 10:15 PM
What an adorable and relaxing view from that window!
Posted by: Elena | July 12, 2007 03:36 AM
What a beautiful knitting spot! Glad you had a great time on your trip.
Posted by: tiennie | July 13, 2007 08:05 AM
Welcome home...I always love coming home! I am envious of your beautiful knitting spot!
Posted by: Pat | July 13, 2007 05:50 PM
Your post sounds so warm and inviting. Your knitting spot looks cozy and full of natural light. I agree the socks look like Italian ice cream. Welcome home.
Posted by: Sheila | July 14, 2007 05:13 PM