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Back after a mini vacation



On Monday, when the weather cleared up, we decided to make a short trip to the archipelago, where my parents-in-law are having an island with summer cottage and sauna. We had planned to stay until the afternoon today, but the wind started blowing, and we had to start early in the morning back, the boat is small, and can't take too big waves. And we had to be back before Thursday. Pictures of the two finished sock pairs as well as the new socks I started this week will be posted tomorrow! A clue for the new socks, they are by Nancy Bush and have traveling stitches...


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Welcome home :o) Your trip sounds just lovely! And, what a treat to get to see you, so beautiful, enjoying the sunshine and breeze--thank-you for sharing that wonderful photo. I'll be looking forward to seeing your completed socks. I hope you have a wonderful day, there at home. It's raining here, today, so we are all snugged in snug, for the morning, as I'm off to do my weekly shopping, today--to prepare for a busy weekend.
Lovingly, Jewels

Could they possibly be "Traveler's Stockings"?

Looks like a beautiful area, Maud. And I'm happy to see you're wearing a PFD (personal flotation device). Eight people in our area have drowned already this summer because they fell out of the boat and weren't wearing their PFD (it's not the law, so I guess they think it's not necessary)

Beautiful photo and location!

Lovely shoreline. Makes me think of Maine.


Welcome to my blog! My name is Maud, and I spend my free hours grooming Afghan hounds, knitting, cooking, and growing bonsai trees. I am since the summer of 2012 reporting from Stockholm Sweden, entries before that are from Esbo, Finland.

My knitting projects in Ravelry

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Finished in 2012

Finished in 2010

Finished in 2008

Finished in 2007

Finished in 2006


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