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More whiskers over here!


Look, it's the second sock!

The two last weeks have been crazy, long days with lectures and in the library, and then homework with the children every evening for hours. I have been knitting on the paws and whiskers socks, not much considering the time, but still. And the toe of the second sock is almost in sight, only four pattern repeats left. I hope to finish it this week, and to get some better pictures in the weekend, and a longer post, when I’m hopefully a little bit less tired. Until the, be good and knit enough, but not too much.


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Welcome to my blog! My name is Maud, and I spend my free hours grooming Afghan hounds, knitting, cooking, and growing bonsai trees. I am since the summer of 2012 reporting from Stockholm Sweden, entries before that are from Esbo, Finland.

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Finished in 2012

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Finished in 2006


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