Happy New Year!
I wish you all and everybody a Happy New Year 2007, with lot of quality knitting time and fabulous yarns, but most of all, with health and happiness.
I managed to finish two knits between Christmas and New Years Eve, and here will follow short glimpses of them. A more detailed post with modelled pictures of the mittens will be here next year.
Fresh on the blocking board, the Rosebud mittens.
I managed to finish the thumbs of the Rosebud mittens yesterday evening, and they are now resting on the blocking board. They were before blocking sticking like gloves to my daughter’s hands, it will be interesting to see if the quite brutal blocking will gain a centimetre or two, and they would be welcome. If not, then they will go to my niece, who is three and has lot of time to grow into them.
Posing in front of the Christmas tree.
I started and finished a pair of Jaywalkers. Actually I started them before Christmas, but never came around to blog about them. The yarn is the Regia 4fädig Mini ringel colour self-striping yarn that I got from my Secret Pal this autumn, knit on 2.25 mm needles. I'm not in love with the pattern, it was a bit boring, but my older daughter loves them. The colours were also more me when the yarn was in the ball, knitted up they are brighter than I prefer.
Plans for the new year? A pair of mittens for my son and a pair of socks for the younger daughter, but more than that is not scheduled. The spring will be busy, in a good way, and I'm afraid my knitting time will be even less than it has been in the autumn. A Solveig Hisdal sweater is on the dream-list, but I must think about that project more, I want to have some shaping in the sweater.
Thank you for reading my blog and thank you to everyone who has left a comment. I try to answer the comments, but sometimes will time be short, and answering left out. Anyway, thank you all! It has been a fun year, this first blog year! See you in 2007!