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I should be knitting mittens, really


But all I do is knitting socks. I'm almost obsessed by Eunny's Bayrische socks. The fine gauge, the well defined stitches, the beautifully flowing pattern, what more can ask for? There are almost 100 stitches in one sock, the knit stitches knitted twined, and there are twists on every row. It's not complicated at all, but you have to be alert all the time. And it's addictive. I love the socks already, and have problems putting them to the side. I had white and blue Regia silk in stash (hurray for emptying the stash!), and I chose the white, in order to get most out of the travelling stitches, knitted through the back loop.

But before I got this socks obsession, I knitted quite a lot on the flower mittens. Look, the first mitten has got a companion.


I think I will use a smaller pattern on the thumbs, a practise quite common on old Finnish mittens. The other option would be to let the flowers continue on the outer side and then use for example stripes on the inside, a way to come around the problem that also were used a lot. When I'll be able to let the socks rest I'll have to make a decision.


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Sockorna ser fina ut. Jag printade också ut mönstret:) Kanske mitt vinröda Regia Silk garn skulle passa. Monica

De sockarna funderar jag på... funderar alltså, hihihi...
Vantar är på gång just nu, del två ska påbörjas idag. Får försöka komma ihåg vända mönstret vid tummen där ja, hm. Var hittar man bra andra vantar, någon aning? Letar vantar med tätare runt handleden... MEN det ska vara färgat, hihihi. Färgat i två olika färger alltså.
Hrm, letar garn till väst också, hihihi... Frågan är vad??? Lite trist med 7Bröder igen, suck...
Må så gott... värmländska på tur... kramis och hoppas helgen varit ok...

Will looking for a Estonian mittens pattron I found your beautifull blog!!
Can you help me?
I have the little books written bij Aino Praakli about patterned mittens from Estonia. Now I like to make a pair with yarn my girlfriend bought my from Tallinn, but I don't have a basic pattern.
Where can I find one??
I put your blog between my favorites!!

Greetigns from Tijm


pitääkö sukissa jokainen silmukka tehdä kiertäen? malli on kaunis ja näyttää työläältä:)


Welcome to my blog! My name is Maud, and I spend my free hours grooming Afghan hounds, knitting, cooking, and growing bonsai trees. I am since the summer of 2012 reporting from Stockholm Sweden, entries before that are from Esbo, Finland.

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