The magic of lace - featuring the kimono shawl
Bildsekvensen som följer är klassisk, men, för mig i alla fall, alltid lika fascinerande. Hur kan en hög av oidentifierbart innehåll transformeras till en schal bara med hjälp av vatten, nålar och tråd?
The picture sequence that is to follow is a classic one, but, for me at least, always as fascinating. How it is possible to transform a heap of yarn into a beautiful shawl with the help of only water, pins and tread?
Garn högen i sommarljuset på terrassen.
The yarn heap, waiting on the in the summer sun.
I sköljvattnet. Jag har inga vajrar för att spänna ut schalen, så jag har trätt en stadig bomullstråd längs alla långsidor.
Wet blocking. I have no blocking wires, so I treaded a sturdy cotton tread along all the straight edges in the shawl.
Schalen utspänd på reservmadrassen. Trådarna sträckta (Se detalj här) och lämpligt antal nålar stöttar trådarna. Trådarna gör att det behövs färre nålar, och de ger en liten kanteffekt i de alltid räta kantvarven.
The shawl blocking on the spare mattress. The treads are tightened (Click here for detail picture), and a suitable amount of pins attached to help block out the shawl. Thanks to the treads are not so many pins needed, and they also give the garter stitched edges a slightly scalloped effect.
Projekt detaljer: Kimono schal av Cheryl Oberle från Folk shawls.
Garn: Grignasco Merinosilk (75 % merinoull, 25 % silke), färg 318.
Stickor: 3,5 mm bambu rundsticka.
Project details: Kimono shawl by Cheryl Oberle from Folk Shawls.
Yarn: Grignasco Merinosilk (75 % merinowool, 25 % silk), colour 318
Needles: 3,5 mm bamboo circs.
Vädret är grått idag (vi hade till och med lite regn!) så det blir inga poserandes utomhusbilder, utan bara denna av schalen vilandes på Ali. Ali är inte en lämplig jacka att bära med schal, men jag gillar färgkombinationen, så när Ali var på provdockan lät jag henne bli under. Se på glansen i garnet! Min gamla spinrock i bakgrunden passar in i färgschemat den också.
The weather is very grey today (we even had some rain!) and there will be no outside pictures, only this one of the shawl resting on Ali. Ali is not a suitable jacket to wear with the shawl, but it was on my mannequin, and I love the colours together. Look at the shine in the yarn! And my old wheel in the background picks up the colours too!
Klicka här för alla inlägg om kimono schalen!
Click here for all entries on the kimono shawl!
The Kimono shawl is beautiful!
Blocking is absolutely my favorite part about knitting lace, and so it's a big incentive to finish quickly. :)
Posted by: joy | July 23, 2006 05:05 PM
That is a beautiful shawl. I am thinking about buying the book, Folk Shawls. You have knitted other shawls from there, haven't you?
Posted by: Brenda | July 23, 2006 06:27 PM
Thank you! No Brenda, the Kimono shawl is the first one I have knitted from Folk shawls. There are several very nice shawls, and I'll most likely knit more from the book in the fuure.
Posted by: Maud | July 23, 2006 09:52 PM
Aivan upea! Mallikuvio on niin kaunis!
Taidan itsekin aloittaa jonkin huivin merinosilkistä, se on ihanaa neuloa!
Posted by: Sia | July 23, 2006 10:01 PM
What a gorgeous shawl, Maud! I'm looking forward to seeing modeled pictures of it too. And I love that deep teal shade.
A colored wheel-- how unusual!
Posted by: Yuki | July 24, 2006 04:03 AM
Yuki, the old Finnish wheels were ususally painted. In Pohjanmaa was blue common, but usually ultramarine, this cobalt blue is rare. And later on was wood imitations combined with black common. My wheel is from the 1900th century, and from central Pohjanmaa, the Kokkola area.
Posted by: Maud | July 24, 2006 01:56 PM
Mycket elegant sjal! Den är visst stickad med enkelt garn? Jag har planer på att använda merinosilk till en sjal men hade tänkt använda dubbelt garn då det ser så skört ut. Men efter att ha sett din sjal kanske jag ändrar mig!
Posted by: Majvor | July 24, 2006 02:59 PM
Majvor, jag använde merinosilk enkelt. Majvor asked if I used the merinosilk as single or double. I used it single.
Posted by: Maud | July 24, 2006 03:03 PM
Oh, it's so beautiful! I love the color, too!
Posted by: Lotta | July 24, 2006 05:50 PM